
Aion Gold Hack Works On All Version

Above you will see a video saying it is the aion online kinah hack. This exploit says it will make you more kinah than you can ever use in aion online because of how it works. Also the hack they are saying is simple to run and it works on all versions from the game. Now lets provide you with a quick low down about this hack and the reality of it.

To begin with this aion online hack is really a scam. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE ITEM. It will probably be whether trojan, or some sort of virus so they can steal your aion internet account.

The video shown shows them first opening up a server on aion online. If you look at it it is simple to tell that its not a public server or perhaps is a public server taken with time lapses inside it. This is when they trick you into thinking this can be a working hack.

All they did is to begin with demonstrate to them in aion online with a low quantity of in aion kinah. Then they reveal themselves switching to opening up the application (It could just be an easy .exe they created or perhaps a photoshop). Then they pause the recorder and edit the aion online private server values, use photoshop, or use cheat engine. All of those will make it appear to be they have a ton of kinah hanging around now. When the truth is they don't. This is done therefore it will trick you into thinking that they have found a new working aion online kinah hack for the game. Remember once again this is a scam getting used to steal your in game accounts or worse when they get the chance.

Here are a few easy guidelines to help you avoid scams like this. First of all anyone that says they have a way to hack the game for more kinah are lying. The only ways to get kinah is going to be from in game quests, selling stuff, bots, and cheats to locate loopholes hanging around. There isn't any kinah hack because kinah details are stored server side. So if a person wanted to get kinah from hacking they game they first would need to break into the games servers which may easily have them caught then they would steal all the kinah they might find. This is something that no-one can do easily and when they manage to do it they wouldnt go ahead and take risk of selling a aion hack to the public because it would easily be traced to them and get them ultimately arrested.

I think this should help players when it comes to discovering much more about aion online kinah hacks and if they're scams or otherwise.


How to Look for Enough Food for Your Aion pet

I stumbled upon this interesting post Blackbeard Help guide to Collecting Trash. At first, I was little surprised at the title, but I believe the Aion guide on how to easily collect enough food for Aion hungry pets can be really helpful for everyone.

Gather with your alts

The easiest method to feed any pet: gather together with your lowbies. I am talking about, almost everyone has several alt. Yeah, selling the trash to a vendor will bring in easy kinah, but when you want to take the opportunity, it's there.

My main alt is the one which has all the? So, when I level up a lowbie, I collect all my trash drops, put them in the account/legion warehouse, get my main and summon the pet, and just feed your pet till it spits out a drop.

In the last weekend, running only Kromede's Trial and Haramel, I was in a position to stock up on enough trash to feed my pet for two weeks. The Dukaki in Haramel drop cloth bags and iron scraps. From one run It's my job to have about 20-30 of each.

Don't ignore Poeta and Ishalgen. Your lowbies can stand around all night killing and save up enough drops to feed a fortune pet in a single sitting.

But?- if you're really thinking about gathering pet food, here is a suggestion:
Get your legion involved.

If you're the Brigade General, start a contest/promotion where the more trash your legion collects and stores within the legion warehouse (or give directly to you, so you can count the amount and provide proper credit towards the correct person), they will receive something back as a reward. Maybe some armor they might use, maybe a weapon. Maybe even a dice roll on a random quantity of kinah.

Heck, buy/make some green/blue/gold weapons and sell/trade these phones your legion by giving specific precisely the garbage you would like. List varying things you need to trade based on the amount/type of trash you want.The newbies always want to use an aion bot to resolve the problem.

(All kinds of thorns for any dye producing pet)

Green Armor/Weapons:
100 thorns = green armor/weapon, level 10-20
500 thorns = green armor/weapon, level 21-30
1000 thorns = green armor/weapon, level 31-40

Blue Armor/Weapons
500 thorns = blue armor/weapon, level 25-35
1000 thorns = blue armor/weapon, level 36-45
2000 thorns = blue armor/weapon, level 46-55

Gold Armor/Weapons
2500 thorns = gold armor/weapon, level 25-35
5000 thorns = gold armor/weapon, level 36-45
10,000 thorns = gold armor/weapon, level 46-55

Sure, the costs could be adjusted for your taste, but figure it by doing this: if your legion is going to be gathering trash drops anyway, half of the job is performed. Now it's your decision to make it worth their while for passing on to you instead of vendoring it. I'm certain you'll observe that, when given a choice of vendoring for tiny items of kinah or saving up for something they will need because they level, I'm pretty sure that individuals will go after weapons and armor, since they'll have the ability to save their personal kinah for other things.

You might use this method for trading semi-rare/rare armor and weapon skins. The more rare your skin, the more trash it will cost.

In the end, everyone may have trash drops that others will have a use for. We can see not any aion bot useful. It's up to you to locate what it's worth for you and the people you're willing to work with.


What Colorful Aion Costumes

Are you tired of appearance of the armor? You are planing a small role in sponsoring the event with friends or just want to show the party? Nothing could be easier! As you know, I tried to give the big players to customize their gear as they want, so it's no surprise that you can get or buy special equipment I'm going to look amazing!

It's just small update, not aion bots. I loved the costumes summer concert (later today, more suited to S80), and a link will appear on dyeing costumes! Mountainous colorful costumes I'm going to be here. Let's enjoy and have fun!


How to get free download Aion bots

I want to play Aion online tricks, exploits, bots and other things that make my character stronger in the game as I Kinah. Does anyone know the best way to get more free advice and online exploits Aion. I do not want to pay and most free sites are simply undesirable because they give me things he did not kick in the game

This is by far the best way to get cheats, exploits, bots and hacks for Aion line. First go to taultunleashed.The Aion Bots may be the best chioce. When you're there, then create a free account on the site. Just make a free and no wages. After doing that, then go toAion Bots. Now you can do one of two things. Firstly if there is any trick to know that others do not post in the comments section. What happens is that the community will read the things you have posted and if his deception considered good or exploitation, then you will get an easy six months to one year of membership in the site. Besides that we also provide access to mmoviper what is good for online hacks bots and Aion. It is always faster and updated to add things that the community wants.

Another good way is to simply send a few. You only need $ 1000 you and you get 3-4 for each post you make. They have a limit on how many points you can get a date, but if you send 20 things as a day to help people, posting news and provide good guides and tips on other sites, you can get premium ago quite easily.

Many people do and in return they are able to obtain free cheats, bots, guides and exploits with little or no work on their side. Personally, I posted daily news and helped people in just a few weeks. So I had the money and I'll continue to post every day, and I got a free premium membership for years. Its easy to do and it is friendly.